…and a heck of a lot of patience.
The blog transfer has gone fairly smoothly, but now comes the task of transferring all the content from my old website over and integrating it into this nifty new package. It has not gone without some wailing, gnashing of teeth and generally wondering just what I was thinking. Still, I know it will be worth it once the job is done.
Many things are in limbo at the moment, including some of my published works and my public speaking engagements. When I got started on this transfer, my old website completely went bye-bye, which made me feel oddly orphaned in the webosphere. Nonexistent might be a more accurate word, because all of my published work vanished. I’d backed it up on my computer, so it was still available to me–just not to the rest of the world.
Slowly I am restoring it all at this new place. It’s a little like moving and not knowing where my toothbrush is. Or my favorite coffee mug. Or my sanity. I’ll find it all eventually. I’ll get my bearings. In the meantime, cross your fingers, light a candle and say a prayer. I hope nothing fell off the back of the truck during the move.