Gaston & Josephine: Heroes of My Childhood

I have a darling husband. Recently I was telling Andy, a.k.a. Himself, about my favorite Little Golden Book from my childhood titled “Gaston and Josephine.” It’s a story about two resourceful little pigs who journey from their home in the mountains of France to America and save the ship with the broken fog horn by climbing into the crow’s nest and squealing for all they’re worth to alert the other ships.

I’m not sure why the book resonated so strongly with me, but I remembered it recently and told Himself about it. He made a mental note, hopped onto the Internet, found a copy and ordered it. But he just couldn’t wait for Christmas or my birthday to surprise me with it. He had to give it to me when it arrived today. As soon as I opened the shipping envelope and realized there was a Little Golden Book in there, I burst into tears, because I knew which one it was. I pulled it out and proceeded to read it aloud to him. I pointed out which illustrations I’d liked best and which ones had made such an impression on me as a child.

It’s a joy to discover things we loved as children that hold an appeal for us even after we’re grown. I’ve encountered so many things as an adult that I loved as a child, only to find that they were pretty ho-hum to my grown-up self. But every word and every illustration in this book still gives me great delight.

Where am I going with this? Nowhere, I guess. But Himself presented me with this really thoughtful gift and allowed me to revisit a special memory from my childhood. And I’m so very grateful. I just had to share it.

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7 Responses to Gaston & Josephine: Heroes of My Childhood

  1. Michelle Brown says:

    Oh, Carol, thanks for sharing and stirring some Golden Book memories of my own. Love visualizing you reading it aloud to Andy. So sweet.

  2. Rita Buzby says:

    I was asked to bring a favorite children’s book to a baby shower and I immediately thought of Gaston and Josephine.
    I was hoping to find it for sale somewhere. I can’t even remember the story, but I remember that I loved that book as a child. My mother read it to us many times. It’s touching to know that someone else has the same fond memories of that book.

  3. Susan Glynn says:

    I remember reading it as a child and the name stuck in my mind long after the details of the story. I think it may have influenced my love of pigs. What a thoughtful husband you have. Best wishes. Susan Glynn UK

    • Rose says:

      Briefly I lived on a farm and had two white pigs who became pets. I gave them the names from my favorite book as a child – Gaston and Josephine. They followed me around, even into the house, until they became too large.

      • Carol says:

        Hi Rose,

        Cool! I just realized that in spite of my love for Gaston and Josephine, it never occurred to me to name any of the pigs on our farm after them. Maybe I was afraid they would head for New York? Or maybe it was because I know what happens to pigs eventually…mmmm, delicious…


  4. Candace J Hardy says:

    I was so delighted to see this book once again. As a little girl, my mother had a standing “beauty shop” appointment. I was always toted along and of course bored to distraction. One day, the beauty operator handed me this book and I happily toted it home. It was read time and again. Thanks for this wonderful memory.

  5. Diane says:

    I’m going to order this book for myself someday. It always comes to mind when I think of my favorite childhood storybook. I don’t remember what was so special about it either, so glad it didn’t lose it’s luster for you over the years. Bon voyages!

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