On the list of Christmas gifts I was hoping to receive–and which I DID receive–this past Christmas was a copy of Maria Speck‘s Ancient Grains For Modern Meals. Her book is jam packed with a wealth of dishes using an array of what I’d call “Old World” grains*, dishes that are really, really good. That they are also healthy is a delightful side note.

There's also the need to unload the pantry--I counted almost two dozen open bags! More on this embarrassment later...
I want to cook every dish in this book. This is my non-resolution resolution. No grand proclamations of any sort (beyond this blog entry). Just a desire to eat a little healthier and to expand our repertoire of go-to recipes. Seeing as how I also plan to make and enjoy one of my Southern favorites each week, this is a good way to balance out some of those bacon dripping-laced culinary transgressions. I easily envision every recipe in this book becoming a favorite. I’m making notes in it as I cook, recording tweaks and ideas for variations on some fine themes.
Sometimes we need to proclaim our resolutions loudly, as a way of indirectly asking those around us to hold our feet to the fire and hold us accountable for the things we say we’re going to do when we’re in the throes of optimism (or we’ve had a little too much bubbly on New Year’s Eve). But sometimes it’s nice to simply say to ourselves, “Hey, why not try this? It’ll be fun/tasty/good for me.” No megaphoned announcements from the rooftop or on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Just a quiet taking on of a new challenge we’re sure to enjoy and perhaps benefit from.
We started with Lemon Quinoa with Currants, Dill and Zucchini, a summery dish that was welcome on an 82-degree winter’s day in Southern California. It was marvelous, replete with a blending of flavors and textures that made Himself and me smack our chops and make yummy sounds as we enjoyed firsts and seconds. And it makes good leftovers. In fact, I’m going to go polish off the rest of it right now. Bon appetit to me!
*The list includes amaranth, quinoa, spelt, millet, farro, barley and kamut, along with the more recognizable wild rice, couscous, buckwheat, oats, grits/polenta and rye.
Oooh, that sounded so good I had to run & put that book on hold at the library! Eating a wider variety of whole grains is one of my goals for this year, too, so this is *perfect*.
Good eats to you!
And to you, Wendy! You’re going to love that book.
Carol ~ someone mailed me the link to your post yesterday. How sweet of you and very moving. Thank you for your kind words.
btw: just noticed your Caroline Kennedy story. Great read!
Happy cooking!
Thanks, Maria! And congrats on a winner of a book. It’s ensuring that we’re well fed and that our taste buds are happily engaged.